1. Is roof restoration really more efficient, less wasteful and lower in cost than other roofing options?

    The most expensive option is to remove and replace your roof. Removal and replacement of roofing materials is inefficient, wastes labor and material sand requires the additional costs of disposal and landfill fees. These costs and inefficiencies are present for all removal and replacement options whether you select a built-up, modified, single-ply or metal roof system. The second option is recovering or retrofitting a roof. In this situation, the building code only allows for one additional roof on top of the first. Unfortunately, this option is also inefficient and it is problematic in design. Lastly, a roof restoration is extremely efficient, does not require removal and disposal and provides a sustainable and energy efficient system which most times, provides significant savings. Not all roofs are candidates for restoration, sometimes a roof is too far gone for a restoration or a recover. Ensure your contractor knows the difference by hiring trained and certified applicators or gaining a third party roof consultant's recommendation.

  2. Talk to me more about choosing the recover option or the restoration option?

    On a restoration, you are first repairing existing deficiencies and problem areas on the existing roof. You then fully adhere the new fluid applied membrane to the existing membrane and creating a thicker and stronger system. There is nowhere for water to travel between layers and the new system is more waterproof than either of the two systems alone. Additionally, if you do choose recover instead of a restoration, you lose flexibility down the road, at which time you will be forced into costly tear off and disposal of both roofs now on the building.

  3. How do I know if a roof restoration is what my roof needs and that it will perform?

    Your roofing contractor will complete a full roof inspection report documenting existing conditions and issues they see present. This includes checking and verifying leak sources, checking flashing, deck and insulation condition, examining the pliability and strength of existing system, as well as many other roof items. Your contractor can then go through these items and explain how and if each of them can be addressed. Most items can be repaired with the right materials and workmanship. On the other hand, if wet insulation or deteriorated decking to any major extent had been found, your contractor may recommend a replacement.

  4. When a building is undergoing roof restoration, are there related smells and odors?

    With asphaltic based materials (back/brown in color) there can be a worst-case scenario where some smell may be detected. For most people it is minimal to nonexistent and what little smell is present will dissipate. Water based, both black asphaltic and white acrylics, have almost no odor. If there is a concern, it is recommended to smell the uncured products prior to starting work.

  5. Is a roof restoration considered sustainable?

    Yes, restoration is absolutely sustainable. On the other hand, removal and replacement is probably the least “green” activity in the entire roofing industry. Waste and dumping of materials cause excessive build up in landfills. Additionally, by completing a roof restoration project, you are adding additional years of the life of the roof and that translates into sustainability. And lastly, roof restoration projects incorporate reflective cooling technology which helps to lower energy consumption along with a reduction in surrounding air temperatures known as the heat island effect.

  6. Are there tax benefits to completing a roof restoration?

    There may be a deduction over a one to four-year cycle if your project is classified as maintenance. Always consult your tax professional for precise information relating to your situation.

  7. Will my restored roof require any maintenance on my part?

    The roof should be checked at least 2 times a year- typically spring and fall. Check for flashings pulling away, clogged drains, punctures or any other potential damage, and ensure gutters free of debris allowing for unrestricted water flow.

  8. As a building owner, how do I know that my contractor is doing the job correctly?

    You can go to www.roofextender.com and obtain product data sheet, system guides and instructions for step by step application and actual construction details that are applicable to your job. Please know that procedures followed will be in accordance to these documents and comply with standards set by the National Roofing Contractors Association. You can also ask the roofing contractor if they are an Authorized Roof X Tender contractor.

  9. Aside from stopping my roof leaks and extending the roof system life expectancy, are there any other benefits to me as a building owner?

    Choosing a "cool rool" recover option often leads to big reductions in cooling costs and energy consumption. Some local electric utilities do offer rebates for installation of cool roofs or converting existing roofs to cool roofs on commercial and industrial buildings. Additionally, as greater concerns arise over climate change, roof restorations offer sustainable solutions by helping to reduce ambient temperatures and landfill.

  10. How do the Roof X Tender® systems perform?

    Our company has manufactured maintenance and restoration products since 1913. That’s over 100 years of proven performance . Our track record and performance speak for themselves and we are here to service each and every customer we have. Additionally, our partnership with Beacon Roofing Materials, one of the largest roofing wholesale suppliers in the industry, creates an incredible distribution network which makes our products available in local markets throughout North America. With customers as small as a convenience store to Fortune 500companies, we have provided over 100 Years of Lasting Roof Protection! How’s that for performance?